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2024-04-19 14:44:30 来源:横溢文学 点击:16
1、草木虽无情,因依尚可生。——李白《树中草》 Although plants and plants are merciless, they can live according to their laws. 2、换我心,为你心,始知相忆深。——顾敻《诉衷情》 Change my heart, for your heart, just know the deep memory. 3、可怜春似人将老。——李清照《蝶恋花·上巳召亲族》 Poor spring is like old age. 4、青苔满地初晴后,绿树无人昼梦余。——刘攽《新晴》 When the moss is all over the ground and the first day is clear, there are no green trees. 5、春淡淡,渐觉清明,相傍小桃才吐。——曹勋《二郎神》 Spring light, gradually feel clear, close to peach just spit. 6、不肯画堂朱户,春风自在杨花。——王安国《清平乐》 Unwilling to paint, the spring breeze is free of poplars. 7、涉江玩秋水,爱此红蕖鲜。——李白《折荷有赠》 Wading in the river and playing with autumn water, I love this red oyster. 8、敢将十指夸针巧,不把双眉斗画长。——秦韬玉《贫女》 Dare to boast ten fingers of needle skillfully, do not draw long eyebrows. 9、国破山河在,城春草木深入。——杜甫《春望》 The country is breaking through mountains and rivers, and the city is full of vegetation in spring. 10、言者无罪,闻者足戒。——《诗经·大序》 He who speaks is not guilty, but he who hears is not. 11、白雪却嫌春色晚,故穿庭树作飞花。——韩愈《春雪》 Snow is too late in spring, so wear court trees as flying flowers. 12、会挽雕弓如满月,西北望,射天狼。——《江城子》 Will pull a bow, such as the full moon, looking northwest, shooting Sirius. 13、迢递嵩高下,归来且闭关。——王维《归嵩山作》 Far away to song, return and shut up. 14、与天地兮同寿,与日月兮同光。——屈原《九章·涉江》 Life with heaven and earth, light with sun and moon. 15、寒塘度鹤影,冷月葬花魂。——《红楼梦》 The shadow of crane in the cold pond, the soul of flower in the cold moon. 16、何事春风容不得,和莺吹折数枝花。——王禹偁《春居杂兴·两株桃杏映篱斜》 Why can't the spring breeze bear, and the warbler break a few flowers. 17、佳期大堤下,泪向南云满。——李白《大堤曲》 Under the dike, tears cloud over the south. 18、东风随春归,发我枝上花。——李白《落日忆山中》 The east wind comes back with the spring, and flowers bloom on my branches. 19、功名半纸,风雪千山。——张可久《双调·殿前欢》 Half a paper of merit and fame, thousands of mountains of wind and snow. 20、欲往从之雪雰雰,侧身北望涕沾巾。——张衡《四愁诗》 Want to go from the snow, side of the North look, tears stained towel. 21、一夜清风蘋末起,露珠翻尽满池荷。——王涯《秋思二首》 At the end of the night, the wind blows and the dew turns all over the lotus. 22、欲加之罪,何患辞。——《左传》 If you want to add a crime, you can't say it. 23、江南可采莲,莲叶何田田!——汉乐府民歌《江南》 South of the Yangtze River can be picked lotus, lotus leaves He Tian! 24、不见穿针妇,空怀故国楼。——孟浩然《他乡七夕》 There is no needlework in the house. 25、田夫荷锄至,相见语依依。——王维《渭川田家》 Tian Fu and he hoe to each other and talk to each other. 26、不须更上新亭望,大不如前洒泪时。——虞集《挽文丞相》 There's no need to go to the new pavilion to look at it. It's not as good as when you shed tears. 27、学而不厌,诲人不倦。——《论语·卫灵公》 Never be contented with your study; never be impatient with your teaching. 28、垂杨风轻弄翠带,鲤鱼日暖跳黄金。——罗隐《皇陂》 Hang Yang wind gently make green belt, carp warm jump gold. 29、老骥伏枥,志在千里。——曹操《龟虽寿/神龟虽寿》 The old man is ambitious. 30、恬澹无人见,年年长自清。——储光羲《咏山泉》 No one can see the tranquility, but it is clear every year. 31、可惜流年,忧愁风雨,树犹如此。——辛弃疾《水龙吟》 It's a pity that the trees are just like this. 32、十年离乱后,长大一相逢。——李益《喜见外弟又言别》 After ten years of rebellion, I met when I grew up. 33、偏坐金鞍调白羽,纷纷射杀五单于。——王维《少年行四首》 Sitting on the golden saddle, Baiyu was killed one after another. 34、遍身罗绮者,不是养蚕人。——张俞《蚕妇》 Luo Qi is not a silkworm breeder. 35、春日游,杏花吹满头。——韦庄《思帝乡》 In spring, apricot flowers blow all over my head. 36、无奈归心,暗随流水到天涯。——秦观《望海潮》 But to return, dark with the water to the end of the world. 37、春草如有情,山中尚含绿。——李白《金门答苏秀才》 If there is love in spring grass, there is still green in the mountains. 38、愁凝处,渺渺残照红敛。——吴文英《宴清都·秋感》 Sad coagulation place, dim residual red convergence. 39、二月巴陵日日风,春寒未了怯园公。——陈与义《春寒》 In February, baling day wind, cold in spring, afraid of the garden. 40、笑渐不闻声渐悄,多情却被无情恼。——苏轼《蝶恋花》 Smile gradually do not hear, gradually quiet, affectionate but was heartless annoyed. 41、山不厌高,海不厌深。——曹操《短歌行》 Mountains never tire of height, and seas never tire of depth. 42、工欲善其事,必先利其器。——《论语》 Sharp tools make good work. 43、竹色溪下绿,荷花镜里香。——李白《别储邕之剡中》 The bamboo is green under the stream, and the lotus is fragrant in the mirror. 44、举世皆浊我独清,众人皆醉我独醒。——屈原《渔夫》 All the world is turbid, I am clear, all the people are drunk, I wake up alone. 45、桑野就耕父,荷锄随牧童。——孟浩然《田家元日》 Sangye cultivates his father and hoes with the shepherd boy.



