
2024-04-27 10:19:52 来源:横溢文学 点击:14
1、要明白,快乐是共享,苦难是自扛。 Understand that happiness is sharing and suffering is shouldering. 2、其实我有很多事都很介意,只是渐渐地学会了无所谓。 In fact, I have a lot of things are very concerned, but gradually learned that it doesn't matter. 3、只要想起一生中后悔的事,梅花便落满了南山。 As long as I think of the things I regret in my life, plum blossom will fall all over Nanshan. 4、人与人之间的关系都是始于五官,止于三观。 The relationship between people starts with five senses and ends with three views. 5、你泼过来的冷水,我定烧开了泼回去。 I must have boiled the cold water you poured back. 6、挤不进的世界就别挤了,何必为难了别人作贱了自己。 If you can't squeeze into the world, don't squeeze. Why do you have to make others belittle yourself. 7、我又不是玩具,岂由你呼之即来挥之即去。 I'm not a toy. Do you call me to play with it. 8、只要我愿意,我有千万种样子。 As long as I want, I have tens of millions of looks. 9、别人都羡慕你自在如风,只有你知道自己无依无靠。 Others envy you as free as the wind, only you know you are helpless. 10、如果真的不知道将来要做什么,索性就先做好眼前的事情。 If you really don't know what you're going to do in the future, just do what you're going to do. 11、因为我想赢,所以你得输,整不好你还得哭。 Because I want to win, so you have to lose, you have to cry. 12、大起大落谁都有,拍拍灰尘继续走。 Everyone has ups and downs. Pat the dust and go on. 13、这次我认真的。如过你敢骗我,我会用尽一声报复你。 This time I'm serious. If you dare to cheat me, I will try my best to revenge you. 14、年轻不是你玩的理由,而是你奋斗的资本。 Youth is not the reason to play, but the capital to fight. 15、只因感君一回眸,使我思君暮与朝。 Just because of the feeling of your looking back, I think of your evening and the dynasty. 16、不必恭维,不必讨好,爱你的人自然会给你拥抱。 Don't flatter or flatter. The one who loves you will hug you. 17、越长大越发现,自己的负面情绪,只能一个人默默消化掉。 The more you grow up, the more you find that your negative emotions can only be digested by one person in silence. 18、太过主动会疲累,太过在乎会崩溃。 Too much initiative will fatigue, too much care will collapse. 19、我们都要面向太阳,骄傲的活着。 We should all face the sun and live proudly. 20、吃够了太重感情的苦,只想做个血里带风的洒脱人。 Eat enough of the pain of too heavy feelings, just want to be a free and easy person with the wind in the blood. 21、若欲无境,当忘其心,心忘即境空,境空即心灭。 If you want to have no boundary, you should forget your heart, which means that the boundary is empty and the boundary is empty. 22、我们最坏的习惯,是苟安于当下生活,不知道明天的方向。 Our worst habit is to live in the present without knowing the direction of tomorrow. 23、你要伤我就尽管来伤,我有各种坚强。 If you want to hurt me, just hurt me. I have all kinds of strength. 24、心宽一寸,路宽一丈。 One inch wide heart, one foot wide road. 25、我想变成你,见你所见,爱你所爱。 I want to be you, see what you see, love what you love. 26、活着和喘气是两码事,别太满足现在,但要珍惜当下。 Living and breathing are two different things. Don't be too satisfied with the present, but cherish the present. 27、因为害怕受伤害,所以宁肯不去经历。 For fear of being hurt, I prefer not to experience. 28、莫言山深,无寻山中人。雾里花影残艳,落淡素颜。 Mo Yan is deep in the mountain, and there is no one in the mountain. In the fog, the flowers and shadows are still bright, and the face is pale. 29、别以为掌声就是鼓励,蚊子也是这个待遇! Don't think applause is encouragement. Mosquitoes are also treated like this! 30、纵使黑夜吞噬了一切,太阳还可以重新回来! Even if the night devours everything, the sun can come back! 31、手握日月摘星辰,世间无我这般人。 Holding the sun and the moon to pick the stars, there is no such person as me in the world. 32、花在枝头,你在心头。 Flowers in the branches, you in the heart. 33、记住一句话:不要跟眼界不一样的人争辩。 Remember one thing: don't argue with someone who has a different vision. 34、我的眼睛又不是染缸,装不下你的各种脸色。 My eyes are not dye vats. They can't hold your faces. 35、大胆一点,反正你只活一次,生命只有一次。 Be bold. You only live once. You only live once. 36、别人再好,关我什么事,我再不好,关别人什么事? No matter how good others are, what matters to me, no matter how bad I am, what matters to others? 37、现在的我你爱理不理,未来的我你高攀不起。 You love me now and ignore me in the future. 38、不再妄想,没了那么多的渴望也就不会失望。 No more delusions, no so much desire will not be disappointed. 39、忘记一个人挺简单的:不要见,不要贱。 It's easy to forget someone: don't see, don't be cheap. 40、如今的念头,是去很远的地方,饮马曳落河,拄剑拖月山。 Today's idea is to go far away, drink horses and drag down the river, leaning on the sword and dragging the moon mountain. 41、好的坏的我都收下,然后一声不响,继续生活。 I accept the good and the bad, and then go on living without saying a word. 42、雨点对大是你千万次放逐,有千万次唤回的孩子。 Raindrops are the children you banished and recalled thousands of times. 43、很多人吸引过我的目光,但只有你抓住了我的心。 Many people have attracted my attention, but only you have caught my heart. 44、不要贸然评价我,你只知道我的名字,却不知道我的故事。 Don't judge me rashly. You only know my name, but you don't know my story. 45、半山腰总是挤的,你得去山顶看看。 The hillside is always crowded. You have to go to the top of the mountain. 46、每个人背后都有故事,你可以不理解,但是请别乱说。 Everyone has a story behind them. You can't understand it, but please don't talk about it. 47、多大点事,笑笑就过去了,谁还没个青春。 How big things, smile on the past, who has not a youth. 48、我脾气冲怎么了,我们不熟,也不需要你宠。 What's wrong with my temper? We don't know each other. We don't need your pet. 49、先说爱的不爱,后动心的不死心。 First of all, the one who loves doesn't love, and then the one who moves doesn't give up. 50、菩提本非树,明镜亦无台。本来无一物,何处染尘埃。 Bodhi is not a tree, nor a mirror. There is nothing in the world, where to dye the dust. 51、既然你敢来我的世界,就不能擅自离开。 Since you dare to come to my world, you can't leave without permission. 52、把恋爱的酸臭味忘了吧,你只需要记住钱的芳香。 Forget the sour smell of love. You just need to remember the fragrance of money. 53、没有故事也没有爱人,单枪匹马也懒得热闹。 There is no story, no lover, and I'm lazy to be alone. 54、我们总是容易高估了在别人心中的位置,这叫自作多情。 We tend to overestimate our position in other people's hearts, which is called being amorous. 55、慢慢发现,原来爱一个人就是毁了原来的自己。 Slowly found that the original love of a person is to destroy the original themselves. 56、我真的不懂,为何我这么穷,还可以吃那么胖。 I really don't understand why I am so poor and can eat so fat. 57、秒回就是真爱吗?其实是他一直在玩手机却压根没想找你。 Is second return true love? In fact, he's been playing with his mobile phone and didn't want to find you at all. 58、人生的三大错觉:手机震动,有人敲门,以为她爱你。 Three big illusions of life: cell phone vibrates, someone knocks on the door, thinking that she loves you. 59、如果是时间与空间的错,那你我之间已不必再说。 If it's a mistake of time and space, there's no need to talk about it between us. 60、擦身而過的时候,我們應該学著去遗忘。 When passing by, we should learn to forget.




