
2024-05-06 13:44:09 来源:横溢文学 点击:13
1、躲在黑暗的小角落,一个人享受大寂寞。 Hiding in a small dark corner, one enjoys the loneliness. 2、别抱歉、抱歉不是为离别而设的敷衍。 Don't be sorry, sorry is not designed to leave perfunctory. 3、我不想丧,不想让别人知道我还想你。 I don't want to be lost, I don't want to let others know that I still miss you. 4、待我如初识,好不好。 Treat me as if I'm new to you, OK. 5、和平分手。性格不合。愿你前程似锦。 Break up peacefully. incompatibility of temperament. May you have a bright future. 6、这世界上什么都有,就是没有如果。 There is everything in the world, but there is no if. 7、对于一切的情伤,时间是苦口良药。 Time is a bitter medicine for all the hurt. 8、我不想你离开,我生活不能缺少你。 I don't want you to leave. I can't live without you. 9、我等的船还没来,我等的人还不明白。 The boat I'm waiting for hasn't come yet. The people I'm waiting for don't understand. 10、爱里全是难过,互相放过,得过且过。 Love is all sad, let each other go, muddle along. 11、有时,一别,便是一生。 Sometimes, a farewell is a lifetime. 12、无耻走遍天下,本分寸步难行。 It's shameless to travel all over the world. 13、我承认我是弱者,不在对感情假设什么。 I admit that I'm weak, and I don't assume anything about my feelings. 14、还喜欢,还在意,但不再渴望在一起。 Also like, also care about, but no longer eager to be together. 15、只剩记忆可以炫耀,即使说说也好。 Only memory can show off, even talk about it. 16、想消失一段时间、大家都好好的想想。 Want to disappear for a period of time, we all think about it. 17、我不懒,我只是喜欢什么也不做而已。 I'm not lazy. I just like to do nothing. 18、夜深人静的时候,每个画面都是你。 In the dead of night, every picture is you. 19、总有那么一句话,让你心痛到不能自拔。 There is always a sentence that makes your heart ache. 20、说话不带脏字,更不能带她。 Don't speak with dirty words, let alone with her. 21、我也曾后悔过,可转身你已不在。 I've regretted it, but you're gone. 22、嘴在逞强、心在投降,其实我们都在装。 In fact, we are all pretending. 23、没有笑声的一天,是浪费了的一天。 A day without laughter is a day wasted. 24、难过了,不要告诉别人,自己知道就好。 Sad, don't tell others, just know. 25、我能靠回忆,活下去吗? Can I live by memory? 26、你的名字不过三个字,却让我记了一年。 Your name is only three words, but let me remember for a year. 27、确认过眼神,我遇上对的人。 I made sure I met the right person. 28、他日若得报冤仇,血染浔阳江口。 In the future, if we have to revenge, we will have blood at the mouth of Xunyang river. 29、熬过了年少轻狂,发现自己老了。 After being young and frivolous, I find myself old. 30、珍惜眼前,尽可能减少将来的后悔。 Cherish the present and minimize regret in the future. 31、我的满心欢喜,该告一段落了。 My heart is full of joy. It's time to come to an end. 32、手放开,让彼此自由。 Let go, let each other be free. 33、无法到,未来的未来。 Can't see, the future of the future. 34、莫要轻言亘古,离散才看荒凉。 Don't talk about the past lightly. Only when you are separated can you see the desolation. 35、只愿你安好,我乐意背负所以的伤痛。 Only wish you well, I am willing to bear all the pain. 36、人潮拥挤,我该远离。 I should stay away from the crowd. 37、热水放久了都会变凉,何况这是爱情。 Hot water will become cool after a long time, not to mention this is love. 38、别为难自己,别辜负岁月。 Don't embarrass yourself. Don't let the years go by. 39、醉在现实,醒在梦里。 Drunk in reality, wake up in a dream. 40、鱼的眼泪不在水里,在我心里。 Fish tears are not in the water, in my heart. 41、我见你眉眼如故,却不知你心以许谁。 I see you as before, but I don't know who your heart is. 42、海鸟跟鱼相爱,只是一场意外。 It's just an accident that seabirds fall in love with fish. 43、谁像我殷勤写你,将江南都用掉。 Who writes about you like I do, and uses up Jiangnan. 44、每一次晚安,感受着彼此的情感。 Every good night, feeling each other's feelings. 45、成为情侣那一刻起,就永远退不回朋友。 From the moment we become lovers, we will never return to our friends. 46、打完这句话,我准备离开你了。 After that, I'm ready to leave you. 47、你的矮是终身的,我的胖是暂时的。 Your short is lifelong, my fat is temporary. 48、有些舍不得,只能放心里。 Some reluctant, can only put in the heart. 49、我待你如此温柔,你却说何必强求。 I treat you so gently, but you say why force. 50、你说得真对,说永远多累。 You're right. It's always tiring.




