
2024-05-06 13:44:10 来源:横溢文学 点击:16
1、你若流泪,先湿的是我的心。 If you shed tears, the first wet is my heart. 2、爱到收不住,才是真的输。 Love to stop, is really lost. 3、我不想用离开,教会你珍惜。 I don't want to teach you to cherish by leaving. 4、热闹是他们的,我什么都没有。 The excitement is theirs. I have nothing. 5、悠长岁月,念你成殇。 For a long time, I miss you. 6、你的路途,从此不见我的苍老。 Your way, never see my old. 7、失望积累太多,渐渐形成绝望。 Disappointment accumulates too much and grows into despair. 8、伤得彻底,才会放得彻底。 If the wound is thorough, it will be released completely. 9、我们来日方长,何惧路远马亡。 We have a long way to go. How can we fear the death of a horse. 10、如果没有信任,谁又骗得了谁。 If there is no trust, who can cheat who. 11、曾经的恋人,如今的路人。 Once lovers, now passers-by. 12、没有你在身边,我真的很难过。 I'm really sad without you around. 13、苦尽甘来,所以你来啦。 You're here because you're here. 14、一根烟,一根烟的时间。 A cigarette, a cigarette time. 15、回忆还没变黑白,往事已不再。 Memories have not changed black and white, the past is no longer. 16、风光的年龄,老化的心。 The age of scenery, the heart of aging. 17、悲伤谁都会,开心比钱贵。 Sad everyone, happy than money. 18、你的不珍惜,让我学会了放弃。 You do not cherish, let me learn to give up. 19、有许多事,让泪水洗过更明白。 There are many things, let tears wash more clearly. 20、你一转身,我的心就碎了。 When you turn around, my heart breaks. 21、望你夜里有灯,梦里有我。 I hope you have a light at night and I am in my dream. 22、已然无关痛痒,又怎骤然心酸。 Already irrelevant, how suddenly sad. 23、假洒脱,谁懂我多么不舍得。 False free and easy, who knows how I am not willing. 24、有故事的人,相遇连微笑都难。 People with stories, even smile hard to meet. 25、一生为感情所累,不懂脱身。 Life for the feelings of tired, do not know how to get out. 26、世界的背叛,一个人承担。 Betrayal of the world, a person to bear. 27、是不是等到天亮,你就会爱我。 Will you love me when it's morning. 28、我赢了所有人,却输掉了你。 I won everyone and lost you. 29、我好累,被压得喘不过气。 I'm so tired that I can't breathe. 30、我相信这个世界永远那么美。 I believe the world will always be beautiful. 31、不要仗着我对你的好向我使坏。 Don't use my kindness to you to do evil to me. 32、一个人怕孤独,两个人怕辜负。 One person is afraid of loneliness, and two people are afraid of failing. 33、我放手成全你,算不算勇敢。 Is it brave for me to let you go. 34、我在爱,已经无暇顾及姿态。 I'm in love, I have no time to care about posture. 35、我很喜欢你,但我也想忘了你。 I like you very much, but I also want to forget you. 36、一个人的旅行,独自的彷徨。 A person's travel, alone hesitation. 37、日子是崭新的,你是我的。 The day is brand new, you are mine. 38、你是我的定格,我是你的过客。 You are my freeze frame, I am your passer-by. 39、你是前度,何必听我吠。 You are a former degree, why listen to me barking. 40、累了就回来,我给你个家。 Come back when you're tired. I'll give you a home. 41、维持关系很难,我有点烦。 It's hard to maintain a relationship. I'm a little annoyed. 42、今晚,心痛到不失眠了。 Tonight, the heartache is not insomnia. 43、生活让我难过,你也不放过我。 Life makes me sad, and you don't let me go. 44、我何德何能,能得你全心全意。 How can I get your heart and soul. 45、原来地久天长,只是误会一场。 It turns out that it's just a misunderstanding. 46、要走多快,才能与你步伐一致。 How fast it takes to keep pace with you. 47、我想活的诚挚,无奈世事现实。 I want to live sincerely, but the reality of the world. 48、人海十万里,没有人善待你。 No one will treat you well. 49、浮华褪尽,人比烟花寂寞。 Flashy fade, people more lonely than fireworks. 50、请记得我的好,或记得我就好。 Please remember my good, or just remember me.




